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England Private Hire and Taxis
England has over 381,092 Taxi & Private Hire drivers working across the country connecting people with places.
First & Last Mile
Taxi & Private Hire services provide the first and last mile for employment, education, health care, social activities and connecting people to move goods and services.
Across 9 Regions
There are a total of nine regions supported by licensed Taxi & Private Hire drivers and operators from the East of England to the North West of England.
Some statistics
Depending on the region, area or type. of community the work will vary in type of work, time of day over the hundreds of million bookings each year.
Regions of England
England there are 381,092 licensed Taxi & Private Hire drivers with a total of 313,008 licensed vehicles across nine different regions of the country.
London (the London Boroughs)
Greater London is 607 square miles and has over 107,000 licensed vehicles.
South East England
The third largest region with 7,400 square miles and nearly 30,000 licensed vehicles.
South West England
Just over 9,000 square miles with over 16,000 licensed vehicles.
East of England
Eastern England covers 7,500 square miles and has over 21,000 licensed vehicles in total.
East Midlands
The East Midlands is roughly 6,000 square miles and has over 14,000 licensed vehicles.
West Midlands Region
The West Midlands region is just over 5,000 square miles and has 50,000 licensed vehicles.
Yorkshire & Humber
Yorkshire & The Humber covers 6,000 square miles and has just over 25,000 licensed vehicles.
North West England
The size of this region is 5,700 square miles and there are 36,994 licensed vehicles
North East England
North East England covers 3,350 square miles and has around 12,000 licensed vehicles
The vital role of
Taxis & Private Hire
England’s transport services are integral to the social, economic and environmental well-being of the population.
Connecting people to employment and their workplaces.
To and from school, college, training, nursery and university.
Health Care
For appointments, checkups, surgery and operations.
Travel, tourism, nights out, occasions and entertainment
Enabling the movement of people to transport goods and services
Taxi & Private Hire in Great Britain
As part of the United Kingdom, Great Britain covers England, Scotland and Wales and the Private Hire Licensing in all three countries is provided by Local Authorities in each country.
As in life, answers for some things can only come from a Cabbie who experiences first and last mile thousands of times
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