Scotland Private Hire & Taxis

In Scotland there upward of 36,000 licensed taxi and private hire car drivers.

First & Last Mile

Taxi & Private Hire services provide the first and last mile for employment, education, health care, social activities and connecting people to move goods and services.

All of Scotland

The whole of Scotland is licensed by the 32 Local Authorities covering the Lowlands, Highlands and the Scottish Islands

Some statistics

Depending on the region, area or type. of community the work will vary in type of work, time of day over the hundreds of million bookings each year.

Taxi & Private Hire in Great Britain

As part of the United Kingdom, Great Britain covers England, Scotland and Wales and the Private Hire Licensing in all three countries is provided by Local Authorities in each country.


England has 317 Local Authorities covering 50,000 square miles comprised of nine regions.

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There are 22 Welsh Local Authorities covering the 8,000 square miles of Wales

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There are 32 Scottish Local Authorities to cover the 30,000 square miles of the country.

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